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EDUARD CHMELÁR, 08.06.2021

For some time now, I have been observing NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg for professional reasons, and I must say that a pure psychopath is at the head of the North Atlantic Alliance. The man went completely crazy. No one has as many enemies in the world as the United States, but after meeting with Biden in the White House, he declared that no other world power has as many friends and allies as the United States. However, as he says “China does not share our values” (dizzying discovery), Russia is becoming more aggressive and our enemies are investing in new military potential, we must defend ourselves and the expression of our defense is what – right, feverish armaments …

One does not have to be a Russophile to understand that this is a sick thinking and a perverted philosophy. Europe should think about why it has more and more enemies in the world, why the United States is dragging us into a spiral of endless wars and arms races, and whether NATO is the way to peace and security. The member states of the North Atlantic Alliance have been raising their arms at an insane rate despite the pandemic, spending more than $ 1.1 trillion (1100 billion) last year. That’s 4 times more than China and 16 times more than Russia. Unrivaled, most countries have invaded the United States in recent decades (China or Iran, none), millions of lives are at stake, and are we going to talk about a Chinese or Russian threat? Who is threatening whom? What NATO produces is one false or even primitive propaganda that has no basis in numbers. If Europe wants to remain a “peace project”, it must unconditionally emancipate itself and, if necessary, break away from the pernicious militaristic influence of the United States and change its security philosophy. Addressing China’s reproach of “not sharing our values” is a manifestation of neo-colonial aggression, not partnership and respect. In Beijing, this despair will not scare anyone, it will only deepen distrust.

On the other hand, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said yesterday that the European Union should abolish the right of veto of member states on foreign policy issues. “We cannot allow us to be made prisoners by people who obey European foreign policy with their sentences. The veto must be lifted, even if it means we will be outvoted, “Maas told a conference of German ambassadors in Berlin. His position is agreed by the European elite in Brussels and, in particular, by the liberal forces. However, Maas’s argument that Germany could also be outvoted is false and intended for the naive. See what it looks like in the North Atlantic Alliance. Each member country theoretically has a veto, but no one has yet dared to oppose US domination, because NATO is only a tool for exercising its global influence. It is very similar in the European Union. As Vladimír Mináč used to say: we wanted a European Germany and we got a German Europe. German pressure is already very high today (see how defiant Greece turned out) and after the abolition of the right of veto, the whole of Central Europe would be a satellite or a protectorate of Berlin.

Maas’s demand would make sense in a functioning federation. However, in the current circumstances, it is extremely dangerous. First, let’s say in what context he said that. Both Brussels and Berlin have been extremely irritated in recent months by the sovereign behavior of Hungary. Unlike Fico’s or Pellegrini’s government, which, for example, condemned sanctions against Russia at home but adapted to the majority in Brussels, Budapest has repeatedly blocked the decisions of the European 27. EU Foreign Minister Josep Borrell was furious when Hungary vetoed several declarations not only against Israel but also against China and Russia. “Honestly, I don’t quite understand how you can disagree,” he said angrily. Well, practiced democracy in Brussels has never been welcomed, although it has been declared many times. This can also be seen beautifully in the farce, which is being presented today under the title “Conference on the Future of the European Union”.

I have pointed out several times that I have experienced several similar projects in the last two decades and they have always ended in fiasco and unfulfilled promises. It is similarly tragicomic in the present, although the organizers are stifling that this time it will be really, really really completely different … But where. Quoting a classic – they may have wanted to do it best, but it turned out as always: three technocrats met (Ivan Korčok, Ladislav Mika and Peter Kmec), talked about the EU, then kindly allowed a carefully selected “people” to ask them questions and they they finally explained to him what he was wrong about … But this exalted teaching is not a discussion. People who know this do not need an explanation, they need respect. Nothing has changed. This is exactly how the discussions on the EU’s democratic deficit took place. The Brussels technocrats thought that this shortcoming would be remedied when they explained it. But he is here and will continue to teach them. And once Europe dies, it will die from this unspeakable hypocrisy of bureaucrats who do not want to change but explain reality, who do not want to solve problems but sweep them under the rug. The West needs its “policy of glasnost,” because today it behaves exactly like the Soviet Union before the collapse: like pre-bureaucratized moths living a lie and armed to death.

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Svet sa nebezpečne priblížil k novej globálnej konfrontácii. Medzinárodný poriadok je v troskách. Veľmoci dlhodobo podkopávajú zmluvne zakotvené pravidlá účelovým výkladom, ignorovaním zásad mierového spolunažívania i bezohľadnou vojenskou agresiou.

Výsledkom je chaos, pokrytectvo a svojvôľa medzinárodných vzťahov.

V spore o to, kam sme sa za uplynulé štvrťstoročie dostali, niet nevinných. Ľudia sa zhodujú v jednom: všetci chceme mier. Nie všetci však pracujeme v jeho prospech.

Preto považujeme za nevyhnutné zastaviť roztáčajúcu sa špirálu militarizmu, násilia a nenávisti, prihlásiť sa k tradíciám humanizmu, mieru a nenásilia a vyzvať všetkých ľudí dobrej vôle na spoločné prijatie a presadzovanie opatrení, ktoré povedú ku kultúre mieru, spolupráce a bezpečnosti pre všetkých.