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“I would like to comment on the United Nations Peace Initiative, which I presented at this morning’s meeting. This initiative has fully exposed reality: that, on the one hand, there are a few people who still share the same views – who or theirs – and, on the other hand, there is a whole society of normal people who have been silent so far. These days we have celebrated 70. anniversary of the victory over fascism. I feel that here, through this challenge, we could move towards a different victory. I would very much like to appreciate that, on the foundations of the victory that has allowed us to sit here and live here now, thousands of normal simple people with their lives have emerged among the supporters of this challenge. This is where the possibility arises that, despite the horrors of all the situations we are all experiencing, such a true unification for peace could sprout, knowing that we are here, ordinary people, that we suddenly see how many of us there are, that he and the other have signed it. , both in that city and in that village. In my opinion, this gives a lot of strength, optimism and hope for the future. For there are few people who are for peace, for the friendly resolution of conflicts that must be brought about every time. Paradoxically, against the background of this terrible situation in the world, this could wake up people, otherwise it is probably no longer possible … It’s something very beautiful. It’s a very dignified, well-timed and apt response to the apologists of violence we’ve been confronted with in recent weeks. “

LUDVÍK NÁBĚLEK, psychiatrist

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Svet sa nebezpečne priblížil k novej globálnej konfrontácii. Medzinárodný poriadok je v troskách. Veľmoci dlhodobo podkopávajú zmluvne zakotvené pravidlá účelovým výkladom, ignorovaním zásad mierového spolunažívania i bezohľadnou vojenskou agresiou.

Výsledkom je chaos, pokrytectvo a svojvôľa medzinárodných vzťahov.

V spore o to, kam sme sa za uplynulé štvrťstoročie dostali, niet nevinných. Ľudia sa zhodujú v jednom: všetci chceme mier. Nie všetci však pracujeme v jeho prospech.

Preto považujeme za nevyhnutné zastaviť roztáčajúcu sa špirálu militarizmu, násilia a nenávisti, prihlásiť sa k tradíciám humanizmu, mieru a nenásilia a vyzvať všetkých ľudí dobrej vôle na spoločné prijatie a presadzovanie opatrení, ktoré povedú ku kultúre mieru, spolupráce a bezpečnosti pre všetkých.